Friday, September 19, 2008


The Story continues...

So we went on about last summer, unintentionally getting closer and closer. Well, unintentionally for me. Jason swears up and down that at the beginning, even though he had had a crush on me for ages, that he was still abiding by the whole guy's rule of "you never date the best friend's sister".
At one point he told his good friend Sam that I was the kinda girl that you married, and if he ever did manage to get me to date him he would make sure that it lasted. Sam, of course, told him to dream on.

So he kept coming over to play World of Warcraft. He and Justin managed to get me playing quite a bit last year. We would all play as a group, but Jase would haul his computer over to our house, hook it up on the table next to mine for a "lan party". Steven and Sam mostly just played from their respective houses.

We all went camping together at Ink's lake. They invited.... no wait, JASON invited me to go. I was the only girl. I got there a night late because we had a kickball game on Saturday in Austin. So I stayed with my sister Friday night then drove over after the game on my motorcycle.

I dropped it that morning, knocking the rear mirror off and spilling some gasoline, and embarrassing myself, though none of the guys saw it. We had a good time! Rented a boat, drove around on the lake trying to knock each other off the intertube and Jason and I talking on the bow about relationships with other people.

He and Justin and I shared a tent that night and all the guys piled in for talks until we were all ready to head to bed. That was the first night we shared a room, lol. And both of us thinking, what if the other one rolled over and we woke up wrapped in each other's arms. What would they think?


So needless to say he started coming over more often after that. Playing WOW with me to catch up to Justin who was always levels ahead and waiting for us. But he never made a move. When we were alone and I would let my knee touch his, he would pull away. LOL! Talk about mixed signals.

Then one day he asked me if he could join me for jogging. I was jogging almost every night at that point. He said Aurelio used to be his partner but their shifts had gotten out of whack and he needed someone to keep him motivated. So I said sure.

He came over in his indecent, black underarmor spandex jogging outfit and while I tried not to pay attention/laugh at his immodesty we headed out. Again, I was jogging a LOT last summer. He valiantly kept up with me though it almost killed him.

You see, he has never been a jogger. Always suffered from asthma. He had open heart surgery as a very small infant and the doctors didn't know if he would make his first birthday (like the kid in the picture). Now he has an awsome scar (Why sometimes I call him Shark-bait). But he kept up.

We got home, to my father's incredulous "are-you-purposefully-trying-to-kill-me" look. Which I shrugged and grinned and went inside. We both had a glass of water, sat and talked about odds and ends. Scorpions and how I hate them, among other bits of trivia....

The end of this beginning is yet to come....

To Be Continued:.....

On another note: Current update

First: My dogs and I went jogging today. 2.25miles. Hard for my eldest, Sammy to keep up sometimes, but he did well tonight. For those who don't know, he has mouth cancer which seems to be making its way into his lungs. He has mostly good days still, with a few bad thrown in. We hope he will make it a good nother year and prove the doctor's that statistics don't mean much when you want to live. But really just every day is a blessing to me. Its sometimes a challenge getting the young ones to understand the concept of healing. And sometimes its the old ones that do the worst job! They are so used to living in the country and being able to jog freely! The little ones need so much more socialization. Leo thinks he can take on other dogs and strangers. He doesn't realize if he just keeps jogging they will ignore him too. Here are a few pics of all the hot panting happy kids!

Second: I am buying a buggy tomorrow! Its for my wedding entrance. It needs a few touch-er-ups but it was a fabulous price for one so nice and much more than I was expecting. I kinda thought that all I would be able to afford was a little 2 wheel easy entry style cart like:

But instead, for just an extra $100 I got this one:

I am so very excited! Its a great investment. If Six does really well and I change the buggy around just a little, I can sell my services as carriage and driver to a couple brides and pay for the whole thing.

Lastly for the evening. My father had an excellent idea. I should use my brand new, beautiful, state of the art camera to blog about some of my patients. I thought I would start with the few I have at my house at the moment.

So tonight it will be Chevy:

Good night!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The beginning

Ok, so I am not entirely new to this blogging thing, but I am also not an old pro. I blogged for a while on Myspace and you can still see all those posts, this however, is a whole new category of blogs...

Ok, perhaps not. I generally blog about, life, philosophy, and relationships... Well this blog: A Journey of Epics, is about life, love and relationships.

So for those of you who happen to live far away: and there are a few of you: the following news may come as a shock to you: I am unofficially in the process of planning a potential celebration that might involve a few bands of precious metal and a minister....

So to begin the journey, I think it only fair to paint the beginning of our relationship, all the way to its roots, so that those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting my love will know why the path is moving in that direction....

It all began two years ago.

Jason Roy Bridgeman, 23 year old computer technician and enthusiast, had been a long long time friend of my brother.

They met in 8th grade at Smithson Valley Middle School and quickly formed a band of friends that were very close. I missed out on most of the beginning of their relationship because I was in, well, College Station, living my own weird and telling existence of anxiety and strife. A true "personality building" experience (A topic for a whole other blog).

I must have met him several times before, and truly he has a most remarkable memory of coming downstairs during a guys' sleepover to find me sitting at my computer in the study in nothing but my bra and underwear (I promise that never ever happened!! I never sat at my parents' computer in nothing but bra and panties. It had to have been his imagination, or one of my skimpy lounging outfits that could with a little glance look like bra and panties.... but I digress), but the first time I truly remember meeting him was when he and my brother and their friend Sam were living at an apartment in north San Antonio.

I went over to see Justin's new digs on my green Suzuki Bandit motorcycle...

I walked in the door, took off my helmet and stepped into the lion's den of a bachelor pad complete with the remains of dinner all over the cavern floor. I remember the mess so well. Hehe... I was abruptly greeted by a young man in a heavy leather jacket. This was strange because it was early summer and well above 70 degrees outside. He was so very very excited about his new imported leather motorcycle jacket! And the PROSPECT of getting his very own motorcycle. He chatted on and on about it. I remember thinking to myself, how silly it seemed. (Not that I haven't done similar things with oh say horses.... no, not me). I talked with my brother for a while and then walked away without much of a second thought, and in my defense, I was sortof seeing someone at the time (I say sortof because honestly I don't remember what exact part of the year it was and consequently whether I was in or out of my last on- again- off- again relationship.)

So the turn of a year.....

I came home from school.

I was definitely in the mood for having a good time and playing instead of joining the real world! That was a good thing because honestly, I couldn't have joined the real working world even if I had wanted to. I failed to pass my national boards the first, oh, couple times I took it. So, while I had my doctorate in veterinary medicine, I could not practice medicine. I was, therefore, too skilled to be highered by most, and not skilled enough to be highered by the rest. Limbo, they call that.

I was feeding horses and cleaning stalls at a little barn loft apartment in exchange for rent and really had very few bills. I was living light and off of what little money I had left in my account and that dangerous thing known as a credit card. I was going on many dates and having a good time of it all.

I didn't have any friends in the SA area, most of my friends from high school having moved away, so I began hanging out with my brother and his friends. I enjoyed their company and found their sense of weird and bizarre to be mostly fun and enjoyable. Plus they liked to go to Schlitterbaun and go camping. Which were the first two places I met Jase.


He worked there for most of the summer and got us cheap tickets almost my first week back. He came over to the house a few times prior to play "vid-jo" games with my bro. He rode his Harley over (yes he did have his new much anticipated motorcycle) in the morning mist, and I remember thinking I could ride with him.... But the rain and a certain warning about his driving changed my mind.

So we went to the water park and had a great day! Me, Alexis, Just, Jase, Sam and Steven. I shook my head at all the party and girl stories he told that day. He talked it up big!!! I kept thinking, damn he'd be cute if he wasn't such an ASS! hehehe.

Ok, so this story will have to bear the reader out a few more episodes so for now here is the first:

To be continued......

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