Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cart before the Horse

So as you know, back mid fall I bought a carriage for Six to pull at the ceremony in October. Today was his first day getting to actually be before the cart so to speak!

He did a great job and didn't seem to mind too much at all, just needs to get used to the feel... And honestly I do too!!!

I also included some cute shots taken from this evening.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A plate of cookies!

So ladies and gentleman it is my extreme pleasure to announce my formal engagement!


Jase had plenty of opportunities to propose to me in a very romantic and traditional way, but as is totally in step with the humor in our relationship, he chose something a little more fun and playful.

He had taken me on a wonderful horseback ride several weeks ago that ended with a great dinner and movie.... no ring...

We had a very low key New Years eve just the two of us.... No ring....

We went to a wonderful dinner at The Melting Pot on Saturday just for the heck of it and had a wonderful time at the restruant that we celebrated our one year anniversary at back in August and I thought, surely it will be tonight... yet no ring was forthcoming...

So tonight, on this nothing special of a Monday night, I had worked hard and long and Jay had put in two hours of overtime himself. We both arrived home late and we were both tired. I fed the horses and put the trash out and was laying on the bed looking at a magazine that had come in the mail...

Jay walks in with something behind his back and a giant beaming smile on his face. He says:
"Couuuuurty, Do you love me?"
"Yes Jay" I laugh
"How much do you love me?" He says playfully
"Very very much, why?" I ask, suspicious.
"Cause I have something for you." He pulls out a giant plate of chocolate chip cookies from the Great Cookie Company, a tradition we have when he is feeling particularly considerate and sweet.
I reply "Awwww, how sweet!" I, very unsuspecting, at this point cause he'd disarmed me with familiarity, picked up the central cookie.

And low and behold a giant shiny rock shone back at me!!!

I squeaked and bust into ecstatic laughter.
He dropped to one knee and said, "Then will you marry me?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck laughing and laughing and said yes about a zillion times. I told him, "you are so silly!!" He chuckled and said "you knew that, that's why you love me! It wouldn't be right to do it traditionally and this way just came to me one day."

So we are officially engaged.
The wedding is now OFFICIALLY planned for the 10th of October of this year at The Hurst Family home in Bulverde. It won't be a large gathering but elegant and fun.

I'm positively beaming and so very excited! And now I will get to share more planning fun in my blog!


Oh PS- the central diamond belonged to my grandmother! Jay had to go get it from my mom prior to ever talking to my dad or brother. He wanted the ring to be able to take with him when he talked to the men. So the first person he had to go through was the momma bear!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting in shape!

So I don't have any new pics to show but I thought I would fill my readers in on my new year's resoluation. As is my norm, "Get in shape" is about how I start every year. Well this year it includes a pledge.

This is the "biggest loser" sponsored site. It dedicates a pound of food to the food bank for every pound that you lose for the next 5 months. I pledged them 16 pounds. I have already lost them 3. I am excited about being able to do something great for others while doing something good for myself!

My strategy is this:
Day 1: jog 2 miles and jump rope half. (half means 1 half of whatever I completed for the whole jump rope day the week before)
Day 2: jog 4+miles
Day 3: jump rope whole (usually around 1000-2000 skips)
Day 4: rest
And repeat!!!!!

My 4 mile days are anywhere from 4 to 4.75 miles and can even be jogging home or to work! Its strenuous and takes me a little less than an hour, and Padfoot is my jogging buddy. He is working on getting over his fear of cars since we spend most of our time on Fredericksburg!!!

I'm also struggling to eat well, often, lite and nothing after 6pm. That's the hardest part for me as I often don't get home until after 6pm and am famished! I will eat a cup of pudding, some fruit or fruit snacks and drink lots of water!!!

Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So I just brought my camera in from the car and what should I find????
First is that picture I promised so long ago of Sam in his borrowed wheel chair. He doesn't use it very often, still gets along on his own.
Next, a pic of the birds in their new indoor tree!!!
The first one you'll see is a foster (for now): Her shelter name is Winter Breeze and she is here for Ringworm that doesn't seem to want to go away permanently. Hence the horrible haircut! She's normally a short to medium hair coat kitty. A tortipoint snow shoe, very pretty. But right now she looks like a sphynx. Soon though she will be our ninja kitty and her name will officially be Boton, the guide of the dead souls to the underworld from an anime.

The second kitty is Angel Eyes, my blind kitty. She's getting so fat! But Boton keeps her active and gives her much needed company.
Padfoot came with us hiking the day after Thanksgiving. We had such a great time, the weather was beautiful!!!
Then my beautiful nephew Branson being his normal cute self.
And finally Thanksgiving at my parent's house. Holidays are so important to my family.

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