Friday, December 19, 2008

A news spot!

Short and sweet.

IF the link is working check out this news story that showed on the local San Antonio station about one of our dogs from the shelter! Melts the heart huh? And if you want to see what he looked like when he came to the shelter check out the next link!

click on the story from 12-19-08 titled Abused Dog Recovers

Then go to to see what he looked like throughout his story

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In the middle


I know its been a while. Time sure does seem to fly! Christmas is in high gear and I keep meaning to send my cards out! But I have no beautiful pictures! Maybe I'll wait and send New Year's cards out so I can get pics of me and my "family".

Jason and I are doing very well, getting by on what we make and living life as it should be.

I found someone to ride Six for me. She's getting him into the mode of being worked on a regular basis. She found out, the hard way, that I actually knew my horse when I told her I wanted someone to push him but I didn't want to get bucked off. She didn't think he had it in him... HA! So as she layed in the grass looking up at him from the flat of her back him standing placidly nearby looking back at her, she found out he DID have it in him. But she also thinks he is very smart, and incredibly level headed. Good news! (Like we didn't know these things about my boy). So hopefully I will be able to send him out to a trainer in March or April to learn some more advanced things.

Sam is doing better. As if the weakness in his hindlegs wasn't bad enough, he had torn the Adductor muscle, or the muscle responsible for holding your legs together and keeping you from going spraddle legged. And he was having a really hard time getting around. But time heals and he's back to only limping a little and banging himself into walls. He is receiving acupuncture with electricity for his back basically twice a month and it seems to make him more comfortable. Not helping too much on return to function but he's happier. And that's important. See the pictures below. Yes, the second picture is of a horse, but it gives you an idea.

Work is a little stressful.

My DO (director of operations) or the Lady I call Boss, is having her baby tomorrow!! Its been a tough road for her and we are all excited that the new little girl will be arriving and giving my friend some peace.... Well at least peace meaning not causing her phsyical pain and nausea anymore. HOWEVER, our interim DO is a much different lady and has a much different style of management. I want nothing more than to develop a strong working relationship with this woman as I have with the DO. I have a nagging bad feeling that that may be a real challenge. I hope not. She is a very strong, very intelligent woman. She is also a very strong willed manager who likes to have every decision run through her. That's a challenge for me, yet another strong willed intelligent woman, used to making my own decisions. Its 6 weeks of limbo. I pray it works out.

Secondly about work, the Shelter is working on getting me a surgery suite. This includes being able to do spay/neuter surgeries for the shelter 4 days of the week and then supervising someone to come in and do surgeries for the public the other 3. It means I will also be able to do other surgeries like amputations, eye enucleations, ear canal ablations etc.... If anyone is looking for something to spend a couple hundred bucks on I could really use Atlas of Small Animal Surgery. $200 used. Yay. Late Christmas present to myself I guess. The fun thing about this project is that it will mean a slight increase in pay and I will take on management of another veterinarian. Who would have thunk? I haven't even made it a year in practice yet. :) So much to do!!!

Jay is also hoping to get a pay raise this year. He is managing the warehouse at his office, but is hoping to move from hourly to salary. He currently works 45hrs a week. OT is of course time and a half, so he has developed a spread sheet to show his boss that he can save some money and have more of Jay's time if he makes him Salary. :) So we should be sitting pretty for the next year, and get some of our bills paid off by summer. I'm excited about that.

I don't know if everyone knows, but I have a roommate. Chelsea moved in a couple months ago and we are so glad she did. She takes the second half of the house and has her own large bedroom, bathroom, and sitting room. She also sorta has the kitchen, which is great because she likes to cook for us! Having a roommate gives us a little more freedom with the animals, and the rent. It also makes taking care of the house easier since its soooo big for two people. Her bf may also move in in the summer. If that happens, then they will increase their portion of the rent and utilities and give us a little more money to pay on bills with! Cheers to that!

Also, my family took some pics at Thanksgiving, and I have included those as well.

So I guess thats the update on me. No new kids, or news, other than speculation. Talk to yall soon!

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