Sunday, February 22, 2009

Engagement Photos!

LOL, ok so you'll notice that there aren't any posted yet.... We did take them yesterday. Jace and I went up to Austin to the botanical gardens. Beautiful place! Jill took the photos using a combination of her new camera and my oldie but goodie. They are both digital so I do HAVE the photos, but I haven't really gotten to look through them well enough yet to decide what I want to use for what. I will post a few as soon as I get a chance...

Oh, and God was really with us on the weather. It was rainy, drizzly and cold when we got there at 9:30am. That kept all the regular crowds at the Zilcher Botanical Gardens away and left us to take some very nice shots! It cleared up by 10 and we had great sunshine. One problem was the temp! It was chilly and windy!!!!
But who can complain. When I took Jill and Brandon's engagement shots several years ago it was so HOT we were dying and melting and all that goes with a normal Texas summer at the San Antonio art museum. We even have a shot of us all three sitting on a air vent outside trying to get cool!

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