Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The big day has come and gone!!!

Ok, so as you can probably tell, I am not nearly as good at this blogging thing as my sister is.

I blog a lot, but mostly on facebook. If you have facebook that is the best place to keep up to date with me... When I get as cute a munchkin as she has, I will certainly have a much better reason to blog. That's what all my friends with kids use their blog for! And you guys certainly aren't as interested in my furrbabies as in the homosapien variety. We'll wait a little before I have one of those to post.... For now, lets go back to the journey.

October 10th 2009 marks the origination of our married life:

My faith held out without doubt and the day bloomed brilliantly blue with a flawless sky. The air was crisp and chilled as the reception went on, but hey! That meant no misquitoes! I was calm as a cucumber up until two days before when everyone started asking me questions!!! Where does this go? What about this detail? Whose going to do this thing? When will this arrive? What about this? AHHH!!!!!! I about had a breakdown on the rehearsal night. Came down to me asking my mom if it would be ok if nobody else ever asked me another question.... She said she'd handle it.

LOL. She was just as riled as me inside but on the outside she was chill. The morning of came and we whisked off to breakfast at a waffle bar,

had a marvelous pedicure/manicure spa,

 got our hair done by the marvelous ms Rinfro (of Hairtech plus in Bulverde, she's worth the almost month long waiting list to get in to see her) Who plied me with almost a full bottle of redwine (yes I got tipsy on my wedding day...).... and then I was keen to continue. Despite the one minor flaw of the day that the groom's cake was iced-despite telling the company twice not to ice it.

I found out that my two best friends who I have each known from A&M undergrad have never been introduced before, gosh can we say "my bad!" and that they thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

We decorated the carriage, got me into my dress and somehow into the carriage and then waited for the ceremony to begin..

The walkie talkie crackled to life... cue the carriage.... and the bagpipist started our walk up the long caliche driveway.
Yes.... the bagpipist....

Harrell Sutherland

Well, we almost started the walk. The stallion, Six, could not get the carriage out of the muddy pasture onto the driveway, though he tried valiantly. So the carriage driver, my friend Heidi, jumped out and led him up onto it. Then she jumped back in the carriage to my father's orders and off we went.

We made it up there in time and I was so enthralled with the sight of my new husband at the alter

that I failed to notice the lack of ringbearer..... until he wandered perfectly up the aisle after me.

Nature had called... and when you are potty training, you listen.... he took his job very very seriously and did the best anyone who is 2.5years old has ever done as a ringbearer. He actually had the rings too....

So the only hitch in the entire getty-up was God's decision that the vows I had prepared weeks in advance and had planned to study that day were left on my desktop computer at home, along with my vows to him that Jay and I were going to prey during the ceremony.... OOPS!!! So I spoke from the heart my vows to my husband, hard pressed to match the enchanting vows that he read to me, as we both preyed that God would be the heat and the glue that makes us one in our marriage and our life.

We lost one reading as one of our "readers" had family issues late in the game and could not come and I could not figure out who to replace her, but overall, it was perfect! Nobody noticed the perceived "issues", including me, and the evening was spent in splendid perfection..

Our first dance was "Far Away" by Nickelback and we danced a choreographed number that was more challenging than we anticipated on the outdoor carpet and in my giant dress, but everyone said it was wonderful.

The dinner was magnific, catered by Druther's cafe from San Antonio and was tasty as I remember....

We even had improptu fireworks set off by a random neighbor who saw a party and thought he'd help.

My father thanked everyone and their brother in a marvelous, if a bit long, speech and my brother loved, and trashed, us both in his best man monologue.

My sister, for her bit, said the guys had said enough and toasted us with a blessing. We got pics of everybody thanks to our wonderful award winning photographer, Chris Grazyiek.

Due to the cold, the party thinned early and the hard core of us, yes, bride and groom included, awaited the arrival of the '64 rolls royce to pick us up and take us to our first night of wedded bliss at the Serengeti Resort...

We presented each other with our first presents as a married couple to each other:

A cello for me...

A violin for him.... funny huh...? No we didn't coordinate it...

Oh, and I got him an x-box, rock band and dance dance revolution... cause I am a good wife...

roll the black scene...


We dressed back up and in the rain that my mother had feared would fall the day before, my sister graciously took pictures of us and the white stallion AND all the pups who our roommate Chelsea brought over to my parents' house just for that reason (Thanks!!!) We didn't want to risk trashing the dress before the ceremony was over. Big paw prints!!

Presents was fun and so lucrative... Thanks everyone. I promise I am getting to the thank you notes...

Back to serengeti and a tour in the rain... Dinner at the Dodging Duck in Boerne (great food), and then back to work for a couple days.

Then Wednesday we hopped on a plane for Puerta Vallarta, and that will be the story for the next installment!

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